Main aims:
- The development and implementation of measures in order to improve the quality of education and educational activities, ensuring its compliance with the current level of education and science development, market needs and legal requirements.
- European standards and international experience analysis concerning quality assurance of education and implementation of best practices at the University.
- Work coordination of University Structural units on quality assurance of education:
- Сoordination and control of the activities on the quality assurance of education organization for the following subordinate structures:
1. Academic Services Office and its sectors: didactic-Methodical sector; organizational educational process support sector;
2. Educational process quality management department;
3. Licensing and accreditation department. - Coordinates through cooperation the activities which concern the quality assurance of education organization of such University structural subdivisions, which are partially authorized to ensure the quality of education and are subordinated to the Center:
1. Department which works with Unified state electronic database on education;
2. Automated Control System “Sigma”;
3. Monitoring Center;
4. Students’ Department;
5. University Publishing House Information and Productive Unit;
6. Organizational and Methodological E-learning Center;
7. Technical Facilities Department.
- Component analysis of the internal quality assurance system of higher education based on the students, employees, graduates and employers surveys results, the rating of teachers and the index of scientific and pedagogical potential of departments.
- Analysis and formulation of general conclusions on the state of educational and methodical work organization of departments, laboratories and
- Formation of proposals for improving the quality assurance system of training based on analysis.
- Support for procedures that ensure academic honesty principles coordination of self-assessment reports preparation or other procedures related to the accreditation of educational programs, other external quality assurance procedures.