Head of Department
Mayevska Iryna Pentrivna – Head of Academic Services Department
Didactic-Methodological Sector
- development of methodological materials and recommendations for curricula, educational programs, work programs in accordance with the law requirements and taking into account the the labor market needs;
- Governing documents development on teaching and learning based on standards of higher education, instructional guidelines on formation of educational programs variable part;
- Instructional guidelines governing on Examination board organization, organization of Examination board work at the University and appropriate control;
- Governing instructional guidelines on educational process schedule creation for the academic year (exams included), organization of work schedule formation;
- Analysis and conclusions on teaching and learning work conducted by departments, laboratories and faculties by checking the curricula, work programs and educational programs implementation;
- Governing instructional guidelines on procedure for issuing documents on education, control over the issuance of diplomas and diploma supplements; others.
- Sak Nelya Rostyslavivna – Deputy Academic Services Department Manager, Head of sector;
- Zhezherun S. YU. – 1st category methodology expert ;
- Antoshchak О. Т. – 1st category methodology expert
Sector of the educational process organizational support
- Academic load formation and its verification;
- Maintaining a academic and teaching staff register;
- Maintaining In-class learning register;
- organization of scheduling classes, monitoring its implementation;
- student internships organization (scheduling, control over decrees about conducting these internships);
- organization of academic staff advanced trainings and organization of internships;
- students training and graduation documents control, decrees;
- keeping statistics of the student body, the number of academic groups;
- Student body actions analysis and keeping record (rate coordination with Department which works with Unified state electronic database on education and Automated Control System “Sigma”);
- Organization of students’ retained knowledge diagnostic procedure as rectorial tests (in cooperation with Organizational and Methodological E-learning Center);
- Students’ Academic performance analysis ( together with Educational process quality management department);
- contracts execution for the educational services delivery;
- others
- Nestorovych Nadia Vaylivna –Deputy Manager, Head of sector;
- Zikalo V. М. – head of field attachment;
- Mandiuk М. P. – 1st category methodology expert;
- Naum G.М. – 1st category methodology expert;
- Trush О. Т. – 1st category methodology expert;
- Hdychynska О. Ya. – 1st category methodology expert;